Selasa, 03 April 2012


1. Steps How to discipline the employees

How to Discipline Employees

Discipline Employees
Disciplining employees is a process of communicating with an employee to improve unacceptable behavioral patterns or performance. Use it when methods like coaching and performance appraisals are ineffective. Disciplining employees is meant to be constructive. The goal is to guide the employee to correct their behavior or performance and not to punish employees. Take more severe actions when no improvement is shown


Issue an Oral Warning

·  1
  Set time and place to ensure privacy.
·  2
Make notes about what needs to be said before the meeting.
·  3
  Clearly state that you are issuing an oral warning about unacceptable behavior. Be specific in describing the behavior. Give concrete examples that depict the problem you want to fix.
·  4
Remind the employee of acceptable behaviors and company rules. If a list is available in writing, present it to the employee.
·  5
State the consequences of non-compliance.
·  6
Note the oral warning on your calendar. If the problem persists after a specified amount of time, issue a written warning.


Issue a Written Warning
·         7
Clearly state that you are issuing a written warning. Cite proper personnel policy that supports this procedure if there is one.
·         8
Describe in detail the performance problem. Give examples stated during the oral warning along with examples that occurred since that meeting. The employee needs to understand that you see no progress since the oral warning was given.
·         9
Outline previous steps taken to correct the behavior such as coaching, performance appraisals or any other previous disciplinary action.
·         10
Describe the impact of the problem. Be specific. Give examples of how the employee's behavior directly impacts the company.
·         11
Note employee's explanation for the behavior.
·         12
Reiterate the company's expectations. Note that if immediate sustained improvement is not demonstrated, further action must be taken. If termination is a possibility, specify that in your letter.
·         13
Refer the employee to the appropriate policy or contract provision to appeal the warning.
·         14
Deliver the letter to employee and place a copy of the letter in their personnel file.

Take more severe action

·         15
Issue a suspension without pay for one to ten days.
·         16
Recommend a reduction in pay for a specified period of time.
·         17
Enact either a permanent or temporary demotion if subsequent written warnings or other disciplinary measures are not effective.

Terminate the employee

·         18
Terminate or dismiss the employee if and when adequate performance standards are not met within reasonable accommodations as required by law.
·         19
Termination is a last resort and used only when severe, documented, non-compliance issues arise.
·         20
Follow organizational standards, federal law, and union or collective bargaining procedures closely when terminating an employee.

Tips & Warnings

·         Written warnings are often used more than once. Many organizations have policies that allow for three or more written warnings before a more severe disciplinary measure is enacted.

2. Kenapa Kedisiplinan merupakan faktor keberhasilan dalam organisasi?

Menurut Ir Ahamd Tohardi MM (2002), disiplin merupakan perilaku seseorang yang sesuai dengan prosedur kerja yang ada. Disiplin SDM terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu disiplin terhadap waktu dan disiplin terhadap perbuatan ataupun tingkah laku. Selain itu, disiplin juga mempunyai dampak pada beberapa hal, misalnya pada pencapaian tujuan pada suatu organisasi ataupun perusahaan, yang mana perusahaan tersebut banyak memiliki karyawan yang kurang disiplin terhadap waktu ataupun tidak disiplin terhadap aturan yang ada, sehingga hal tersebut menyebabkan tidak tercapainya tujuan perusahaan. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kerugian bagi suatu organisasi ataupun perusahaan. Makanya gara-gara tidak menyebabkan kerugian, kita harus disiplin, baik disiplin terhadap waktu ataupun disiplin terhadap peraturan

Disiplin yang baik mencerminkan besarnya rasa tanggung jawab seseorang terhadap tugas-tugas yang diberikan kepadanya. Hal ini mendorong gairah kerja, semangat kerja, dan terwujudnya tujuan suatu organisasi ataupun perusahaan, karyawan dan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, setiap pimpinan senantiasa berusaha agar memiliki disiplin yang baik, agar bisa memberikan contoh yang baik pula terhadap bawahannya.
Disiplin kerja yang tinggi merupakan suatu proses belajar yang terus-menerus. Supaya proses pembelajaran lebih efektif, maka pimpinan yang merupakan agen pengubah perlu memerhatikan prinsip-prinsip yang konsisten, adil, bersifat positif, dan terbuka.

3. Contoh-contoh Kedisiplinan dalam Organisasi

1. Kedisiplinan Waktu
Karyawan harus disiplin terhadap waktu kerja yg ditetapkan oleh perusahaan.
2. Kedisiplinan Kerja
Karyawan harus disiplin dan dapat bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan/kewajiban yg diberikan oleh perusahaan.
2. Kedisiplinan Peraturan
Karyawan harus patuh dan disiplin terhadap peraturan yang ditetapkan oleh perusahaan.