management functions
Management functions are the basic elements that will always exist and embedded inmanagement processes that will be used as a reference by the managers in carrying out activities to achieve goals. The function of management was first introduced by a French industrialist named Henry Fayol in the early century -20. At that time, he mentioned the five functions of management, namely designing,organizing, commanding, mengordinasi, and control. But now, five functions have beensummarized into three, namely:
1. Planning is to figure out what to do with the resources they have. Planningunderway to determine the overall corporate objectives and how best to meet that goal.Managers evaluate various alternative plans before taking action and then see if theplan chosen suitable and can be used to meet company objectives. Planning is the most important of all management functions because without a plan, other functions can not be run.
2. Organizing is done with the purpose of dividing a large activities into the activities of smaller ones. Facilitate the organization of managers in supervising anddetermining the people required to carry out tasks that have divided them. Organizingcan be done by determining what tasks must be done, who should do it, how the tasksare grouped, who is responsible for the task, at which level the decision should be taken.
3. Directing is an action to see to it that all members of the group trying toachieve goals in accordance with managerial and business planning
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